Fixed Fortifications

Hang on y’all. It’s gonna get political.

I find it ridiculous that the party of fiscal conservativism wants to blow a bunch of money building a “monument to stupidity” that won’t really solve a problem.

See here’s the thing. There is no crisis at the border. The cost/benefit analysis on this boondoggle would be enormous. You’re spending an absurd amount of money to solve a non-existent problem.

But it sure does make Trump voters feel good (immigration is a great stump topic) because it’s an incredibly difficult topic that can be distilled to a couple of sound bites that the uninformed masses can drink in sans thinking. In the end the wall is a seemingly simple solution to a complex problem and as is often the case with such things…

My (perhaps cynical) take is that the wall and the shutdown is a great distraction from the real problem of the economy taking a massive dump. And a neutered government being in play right as the new democratic house starts scores excellent political points. Plus that same neutered government hampers the Mueller investigation. Win-win in Trump’s book. I’d also be willing to bet that several government construction contractors stand to make enormous amounts of money if such a wall is constructed. I wonder whom said contractors contributed to during the election cycle?